9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
1. Sparking Innovation: Solution-Orientated Approaches to Address the Direct Care Workforce Crisis
Emily Dieppa Colo, PHI
10:45 AM - 12:00 PM
2. Nursing Education Panel
3. Infection Prevention in Long Term Care
Ruth Belflower Midkiff, Coordinator, Kentucky Healthcare Associated Infection/Antimicrobial Resistance Program
4. Management of COPD in Older Persons
Lenee Lane, Manager, Consultant Pharmacist, Omnicare, a CVS Health Company
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
5. Medication Aide
Kelly Jenkins, Executive Director, Kentucky Board of Nursing
6. Reimbursement Realities Rhonda Houchens, Dir. of Operations, Hargis & Associates
7. State of Senior Living
Tom Meyers, Senior Managing Director, Ziegler
3:15 PM - 4:15 PM
8. Medications, DNA, and Improving Care
Rob Leffler, VP of Clinical Services, Synchrony Pharmacy
9. No Mission Without Money - Grants & CMP
Todd Schmiedeler, CEO,Thumbprint Consulting
10. Global Solutions to Local Shortages - Hiring Foreign Nurses & CNAs
Iris Sagrado, Founder & CEO, Filro Global Hiring
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
11. Staffing Requirement
Janine Finck-Boyle, VP of Health Public Policy, LeadingAge National
12. How the I/O Psychologist and the HR Professional can help staff recover from trauma and build resilience. A person-centered approach.
Lee Look, Dir. of Therapeutic Services, Cedar Lake Lodge ICF/IID
13. PACE Program
Phyllis Sosa, Assistant Director, Division of Quality Living, Department for Aging and Independent Living
10:15 AM - 11:15 PM
14. Dealing With Residents Who Have Emotional Disturbances in a Nursing Home Dr. Crystal Bray, Dept for Behavioral Health, Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities and
Amanda Allen, Facility Director, Glasgow State Nursing Facility
15. Guardianship
Jessica Wayne, Division Director, Division of Guardianship, Department for Community Based Services, Cabinet for Health and Family Services
16. RAI Refresh: Preparing for October Changes
Eleisha Wilkes, RN, Proactive LTC Consulting
1:45 PM - 2:45 PM
17. Price-Based Nursing Facilities and the Quality Incentive Program
Steven Bechtel, CFO, Dept. for Medicaid Services
18. The Workforce Panel - Interns, Healthcorp, and Apprenticeships
KY Board of Nursing, Family Scholar House, KY Workforce Board
19. Transform Risk Management & Family Communication
Matt Prasek, CEO, How's Mom
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
20. Assisted Community Regulations, Implementations, & Survey Trends Carrie Storms, RN, Division of Healthcare Director
Tricia Steward, Acting Inspector General
21. From Insight to Impact - The Future of Intelligent EHRs and Smart Care Integration
Allison Rainey, Head of Nursing and Clinical Informatics, MatrixCare